Last Updated on March 31, 2024
For many people, it forces them to get out of their comfort zone and do something completely unfamiliar to them, but it can also be a great way to explore the world and grow deeper as a person.
In this post, I’ll give tips on how to travel alone for the first time and have the best trip!
Now, in the past, I’ve taken flights by myself to meet friends in a new city or have done some work trips where I fly alone, but I had never had an entire trip where it was just me.
So last year, I was newly single and thought it was the perfect time to take a solo trip.
It was definitely a unique experience and at times could be boring or even a little lonely, but overall I enjoyed it and I even did it again later on in the year.
Travel blogging has also been excellent motivation for me to travel alone.
If you haven’t been able to travel alone yet but think you may want to try it, you may want to book a shorter trip for the first time.
Table of Contents
Pros of Solo Travel
Freedom and independence– you’re able to create you’re own schedule and do as much or as little as you want!
Don’t have to pay for others’ expenses– when you travel alone, you’re only having to worry about your own costs and nobody else’s! You can also downsize and rent a smaller room or property since you’re by yourself.
Opportunity to meet new people and have new experiences– solo travel is a great motivator to force yourself to get out of your comfort zone, start conversations, make friends, and create new experiences.
Time for yourself– if you’re looking to get away from any drama in your life, whether it’s with family or friends, traveling alone is an excellent way for some space and to cleanse yourself.
Cons of Solo Travel
Can be lonely, not as safe as traveling with friends and family– people that are traveling alone could be looked at as more vulnerable, so you definitely have to be more cautious than you would be with a group of people.
Nobody to share expenses with, split cost of room, excursions, etc.– traveling with a partner or others can help take some of the financial burden off of you and you don’t have that benefit when traveling alone.
Looking for ways to save money as you travel alone? Check out these tips on traveling cheap!
Easy to get homesick and miss loved ones– it can be easy to miss being back home in a familiar setting, especially with longer trips.
You don’t have friends or family to share your experiences with– from flying to the trip itself, I’m usually much more excited to travel with friends.
As with most things, solo travel has its pros and cons. It really can be a unique adventure and gives you a different perspective on traveling and even life.
Here are some strategies to try when you travel alone to make it the best trip possible!
How To Travel Alone For The First Time &
Have The Best Trip!
Photo Credit: Getty Images/martin-dm

Plan Out Your Trip/Keep Yourself Busy
Before even traveling, I recommend planning out your trip and finding activities to do to keep yourself busy.
Guide books like Frommer’s Things To Do In (City) are great places to start and you can find things to do such as cities to explore nearby, national parks, restaurants, attractions, nightlife, and more.
Whether it’s to relax, explore, learn about a new culture, or something else, thinking about the purpose of the trip will give you more clarity on the must-dos when at your travel destination.
Are you doing something like vacationing at a resort or going on a cruise? Consider booking a couple of excursions during your stay- not only are you making plans and keeping busy, it’s also a great way to learn about the destination you’re visiting and meet new people. And it beats just laying at the beach by yourself the whole time.
Maybe there is a concert or event going on in the city that you’re traveling to while you’re there.
No matter where you’re traveling, if you do a little research on activities in the area, you’ll find that there a lot of options you have to keep yourself occupied.
And if you have an agenda and things to do, you’re less likely to be bored and lonely when you’re traveling by yourself.
Oftentimes, you can save money by booking an activity in advance, too.
Photo Credit: Getty Images/stockstudiox

Take Time For Yourself/Enjoy Some Downtime
As important as it is to have plans during your trip to keep yourself busy, be sure to take some time for yourself and enjoy a little downtime to recharge.
Planning activities to do during your trip is a nice way to stay occupied on your trip but having a little intentional downtime is a great way to get re-centered.
I like to get up early and do activities when there’s not as many people out, then oftentimes I’ll just get take out for dinner and go back to my room and relax for the night.
Whether it’s just hanging out in your room for awhile, reading a book, listening to music, watching tv, or getting a massage, make it a priority to relax and unwind from the normal hustle and bustle.
Be sure to stay somewhere with free wi-fi for the times you just want to relax in your room.
Enjoy being on your own schedule!
Be Sure To Check In With Family & Friends
Are you someone that gets homesick when traveling? Checking in with loved ones is a good way to stay connected while you’re on a trip.
Email, text, social media, Facetime, and phone calls are great ways to keep in touch with family and friends. What’s App is a popular app and is free to send messages all over the world.
Remember that keeping in touch is reassurance for your loved ones to know that you’re doing well and safe, too.
It’s a wise idea to make sure that they know the plans of your trip or as much as possible.
Make New Friends
Solo travel can invite some good opportunities to meet new people and make new friends.
Hostels are a popular way of meeting people when traveling by yourself, but in today’s day and age, there are many apps that are popular for meeting people.
Solo Traveller is one app that’s designed in meeting fellow travelers. Many people also use dating apps such as Bumble and Tinder as a way of meeting people to show them around the area.
Group tours and excursions are both excellent ways to be introduced to new people and make friends.
If you’re traveling with a partner, you may not even attempt to get out of your comfort zone and chat up that stranger.
As always, stay alert in your new settings and I recommend not to let yourself drink too much.
Check out these tips for making friends while traveling alone!
Photo Credit: Margarita Shudro/Getty Images

Eat Local/Learn About The Area You’re Visiting
Eating local is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the culture and learn about the area you’re visiting.
One thing that I found is even just chatting with the bartenders or waitresses at a restaurant are good ways to learn about the best places to check out from the perspective of a local or someone that knows the area.
When you eat local, they’re also going to want to make sure you experience the local activities, as well.
Photo Credit: RossHelen

Take Lots Of Pictures
One of my favorite parts about traveling is taking pictures and when you’re by yourself, you have all the time in the world to take lots of photos!
What I love most about taking pictures is capturing the uniqueness of the area that you’re visiting and it forces you to slow down and really be in the moment. It also allows you to relive these memories.
Taking photos is an awesome motivator for getting out, exploring the destination, and finding attractions and the most photo worthy places.
What Do I Need To Know Before I Travel Alone For The First Time?
√ Stay Connected With Friends & Family
√ Book With Travel Insurance
√ Be Cautious, Especially If Out At Night
√ Do Research On The Area You’re Visiting Before Your Trip
√ Have A Budget- Pay For Bookings In Advance If You Can- Less Money You Need To Bring For The Trip
Still hesitant to take the leap? Check out The Solo Travel Handbook before you travel alone for the first time!
Enjoying the beaches of Hilton Head Island on a solo trip last year

Conclusion: How To Travel Alone For The First Time &
Have The Best Trip!
To conclude, there may be a few drawbacks to solo travel but you also have the freedom and independence to create exactly the trip that you want!
Just be cautious and stay connected to make it a fun and gratifying experience.
Let me know in the comments if there are any tips that I missed.
Looking for some travel inspiration? Take a look at the best beaches around Tampa!
Safe travels!
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Interesting article, I have always to afraid to travel alone, maybe I will try it
I love traveling alone, bus I found that taking pictures is really hard. If you’re in a group, I think people are more likely to offer to take a photo for you.
I accidentally traveled alone once! I was going to meet up with my sister in Iceland as it was our connecting flight out to Amsterdam our next stop. Fog delays caused me to miss the plane! She ended up in Amsterdam and I had to wait a whole day in Iceland before the next flight out. It was amazing though as I met a group of other travelers (also trying to go meet up with others) and we rented a car to tour Iceland. What an amazing experience. It’s something I think of fondly and it’s still my greatest adventure.